
eoy 2023 update

Hi, I’m here. I didn’t reissue my SSL certificate and our life was essentially plunged into chaos, so I just let it go, which was bad.

In 2022 I decided to re-activate my LinkedIn profile and in the ensuing events ended up doing more posts on LinkedIn, when I thought, “hey, I have an actual website that I pay real money for on which I can post things, and then those things aren’t the property of Microsoft.”

So I’d like to do more posting here instead and may cross-post some of my longer stuff that I already wrote on LinkedIn back in here, then I can have two places where I’ve written some stuff that nobody will read.

I have some cleaning up I need to do on the site, my resume has gotten better with a new role and I can happily (I think) say that I’m done with 7/11 classes in my master’s program at Virginia Tech. We also had a daughter, who turns 2 in a few days, and Oliver is 4, which is wild.

We also moved into a new house, which is great despite being also something of a shitshow, though we’re doing our damndest to let it go. The house itself is pretty baller; the last place was just getting too small, so we needed something where each of us could have a dedicated office space.

My hosting package for this site goes through the middle of the year. We’ll see how it goes, I’m considering packing it up and moving it over to something like an Azure static page, but flitting through the WordPress options and remembering how easy it is to use, I may just keep it here.

Anyway, that’s all for now.

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